Tuesday, March 16, 2021

2,000 BC to 1,800 BC

2,000 BC to 1,800 BC: Timeline of ancient history and prehistory.

2,000 BC: Close to this date the Great Labyrinth of Egypt was built by Amenemhet III.                        
~ to 1,000 BC: Bab-ilu, Babel, Babylon was the capital of Mesopotamia. Its ruins are 55 miles south of Baghdad.
~ to 1520 AD: Mesoamerican trade advanced by the Olmec lasted at least three centuries. Olmec imported jade and hematite. Others traded salt, cacao, beans, bird feathers, and much more.
~ Mercury was used in Egypt by this time.
~ The bright star Capella had been observed by megalith makers by this time.
~ Eneolithic culture evident in the Altay (Altai) to this time.
~ Contact between the Aegean and Black sea evidenced by nine Mycenaean thrusting swords found by Soviet archaeologist in Georgia. Were they copper or bronze?
~ to 300 AD: Mayan preClassic Era in Mesoamerica.
~ Earliest carbon-dated skis. About 10 feet long and allowed the heel to be raised in a way suitable for cross country. I believe that they were found in Norway.
~ About this time the Code of Hammurabi was published. It included guidelines for medical practice and fees,includes eye surgery.
~ to 1600 BC: The Patriarchs migrated from the birthplace of Abraham at Ur through Padan-Aram to Jerusalem and the Egyptian land of Goshen.
~ 1400 BC: About this time was the height of the Minoan Civilization.
~ Zoroaster, Zarathustra Spitama, Asho Zarathushtra.  A very early philosopher. An Iranian prophet. Born in Iran before this date. The book Yasna Haptanghaiti, a book of religious book of the time may speak of Zoroaster's earlier time.`
~ 1700 BC: Milesians in Ireland. Evidence is relatively strong for this period. Strong evidence for mining and metal work in Ireland by this time and that bronze and gold objects were made. There has been much jewelry and pottery found dating to this period. There was surely a high Bronze Age culture by this time, but it might be early for Milesians. They seem to have been Iron Age people in Ireland.
~ to 1650 BC: Middle Hellenic period. Slower development among Greeks. Use of Megaron type buildings. This may also have been the time of a culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians. 
~ to 1450 BC, Crete: The Minoan culture flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing network. Their city of  Knossos had a population of about 100,000 persons.
~ About this time or, perhaps as late as sometime between 1600 Bc and 1290 BC. Eber Finn was a high king of Ireland and a so of Mil Espaine(Milesious)/ It seems he was an immigrant who landed at Bantry Bay in Ireland. He and his brother fought the De Danann and drove them into the hills. The name Hibernia used by Julius Caesar as a name for Ireland, might be derived from Eber or Heber. the Northmen and Saxon called the land, Ir-land or Irlanda.
~ to 1,000 BC, North America. This has been called the Formative Stage for cultures of the continent. This has been called the Archaic Period in North America.
~ to 1,000 BC, North America: The Old  Copper Complex of the Great Lakes region.
~ Ireland: There is evidence of there being mining and metal work on the island, that bronze and gold objects were being made. I think that now is evidence of a Bronze Age before this time. For about this time there is abundant evidence for axe heads, pottery, jewelry being made on the island before this time.
1836 BC, Ireland: Strong evidence for mining and metal work at this time and that bronze and gold objects were mand then. Ax heads, pottery, jewelry were found dating to this time.
~ Ireland: By this time good Bronze Age items made with tin were probably made by Beaker people on the island.
~ Ireland: The evidence is strong that gold was being nicely worked by Irish on the island by this time.

1935 BC to 1934 B, Ireland: Fir Bolg were being seen. 
~ Slaine lived in Ireland at this time. 
~ Ireland:Fir Bolg lived on the Island. 
~ Rudrafe of Dela lived in Ireland, it is said.

1700 BC: The Milesian brothers, Eber and Eremon defeated the Danann in the battle of Taille, and killed three kings and three queens.

2,150 BC: New people came to Ireland, probably from what is now called Belgium. Were they Fir Bolg?`

~ Evidence that Aryans ïnvade" the Indus Valley.


The Finnic language was common and  wide spread in the Baltic are.


1935 BC: Slain, a Fir Bolg lived in Ireland.


1934 BC: Rudrafe of Dela, a Fir Bolg, it is said, lived in Ireland.

1900 BC: The Finnic language was common and of wide use in the Baltic area.

1800 BC:


1868 AD: Texas Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake Indian War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War.

1869 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War. 

1870 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin county War,

1871 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, U.S. forces invade Korea.





 1894 BC to 1866 BC: Sumuel of Larsa, Mesopotamia. Sumu-El an Amorite ruled the city state of Larsa ca this time.
