Friday, May 28, 2021

2,200 BC to 2,000 BC

 2,200 BC to 2,000 BC

2,200 BC to 700 BC: Poverty Point earthworks people near what is now Epes, Louisiana, U.S. Imports from Tennessee, Georgia, lower Mississippi, and along the Gulf of Mexico coast found. About 1,50 possible trading sites located in the area. I need more positive dates for the flourishing of people at this site. 
~ t0 1,800 BC: Is called the Archaic Mound-Building period in the US. There is some evidence of it having begun on the lower Mississippi river in what is now called Carroll and Monroe parishes of the state of Louisiana

2150 BC: New people came to Ireland at this time, perhaps from the region of Belgium. These newcomers may have been Fir Bolg##, who may have been Celts.

~ Egypt: The Old Kingdom collapsed around this time.

~ There is evidence Aryans "invade" the Indus Valley.

~ Ireland: Evidence of well developed copper mining in west Cork. Evidence of tin.

~ dating near this time in Ireland and parts of Europe there was a useful copper rapier made before there was a bronze slashing sword!

2,129 BC: Gudea ruled Lagash.His ''personal deity" was Ningishzida.

2,110 BC to 2,o90 BC, Ur: Lifespan of Nammu of

2,100 BC: Abraham migrates from Ur.

~ to 2,000 BC, Near East: Akkadian Empire disintegrates after nearly 2,000of riding high.

~ In the city states of Lagash, Gudea rebuilds many temples and installs finely carved diorite statues of himself to demonstrate his piety. So Mesopotamia is reunited under the kings of Ur. Ziggurats built.

~ Abraham leaves Ur in Chaldea.


2050 BC: Theban princes subdued the Heracleopolitans.  


 2,000 BC to 1650 BC: Middle Hellenic period: Slower development of Megaron type dwellings. Was this related to the culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians?

~ to 1450 BC: The Minoan culture base on Crete flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing trading network. The Cretan city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons. 

~ to 1,000 BC: Has been called the Archaic Period in North America. Others have called it the Formative Stage.

~ to 1,000 BC: The Old Copper Complex of Great Lakes in North America dated to this time.

~ Ireland: Strong evidence of mining and metal work in Ireland by this time. Bronze and gold objects were made. Axe heads, pottery, and jewelry are also found.

2,000 BC to 1,700 BC, Ireland: Milesians## were already active in Ireland; documentation is available. 
~ Ireland: By this time some of the people whom we have called were already living on the island.
~ Ireland: Strong evidence of mining and metalwork, bronze and gold objects were made. Axe heads, pottery, and jewelry found dating to this time and before. 

~ to 1650 BC, Ireland: Danaan still active. They were called Danann by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians. Dan reminds me of a tribe of the Jews.

~ to 1650 BC: Greece: Middle Hellenic period. There was slower development during this time. Megaron type of dwellings used. Was this culture called Danann by Homer and Danaya by   ?

~ Who says that there is evidence of Celtic visits to New Zealand about this time?

~ The Northmen and Saxons were calling Ireland  Ir-land or Ir-landa.
~ Ireland: About this time to between 1600 BC and 1290 BC, Eber Finn was High King of Ireland. He was the son of Mil Espaine(Milesious)##. It seems he was an immigrant who landed at Bantry Bay. He and his brother fought the de Danann and drive them into the hills. The name Hibernia, used by Julius Caesar as a name for Ireland, might me derived from Eber or Heber.
~ to 1450 BC: The Minoan culture based in Crete flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing network. Their city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons. 
~ to 1,000 BC, North America: The old copper complex of people around the Great Lakes was active
~ t0 1,700 BC, Ireland: "Milesian Genealogies." Strong evidence is available.
~ to 1650 BC: Middle Hellenic period. Slower development; use of Megaron dwellings. May be the time of a culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by the Egyptians.
~ Ireland: From about this time until between about 1,600 and 1290 BC, Eber Finn was a High King and a son of Mil Espaine, Milesious. It seems that he was an immigrant who landed at Bantry Bay. He and his brother fought the de Dannan and drove them into the hills. The name Hibernia, used by Julius Caesar, as a name for Ireland, might be derived from Eber or Heber. (The Northmen and Saxsons came to call the land Ir-land or Ir-landa.)
~ to 1,700 BC, Ireland: Strong evidence for Milesian.
~ to 1,650 BC: Middle Hellenic period. Slower development; use of Megaron type dwellings. This may also have been the time the culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians.
~ to 1,450 BC, Crete: The Minoan culture flourished greatly. They had an intensive seagoing network. The city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons.
~ to 1,000 BC, North America: The Old Copper Complex of the Great Lakes was active.
~ Ireland: Strong evidence for mining and metal work by this time and that bronze and gold objects were made. Much jewelry and pottery found.
~ to 1,000 BC: "Formative stage in North America"
~ Anatolia/Turkey: An ancient people came to north-central Anatolia in the Bronze Age, perhaps before 2,000. They may have come from the area of Ukrainian. By 1,600 BC they had begun an empire on the Hattusa.

