Wednesday, May 5, 2021

1,400 BC to 1,200 BC

 1,400 BC to 1,200 BC: archaeology, prehistory, history timeline including: Bronze Age, Greece, Troy, Ireland, Europe, Ireland, Thailand, South East Asia. More here and more coming.

  1,400 BC to nearly 700 BC: There was an expansion of farming/agriculture in Ireland. Less Trauma and lots of babies.Trees were cut down and grains planted.
~ to 800 BC: A kind of Dark Age fell over much of Europe until the development of pre-Classical Greece and Phoenicia. During these same years a sort of Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe. Also during these same years there was a movement of a horse culture people southwest into the eastern Mediterranean area. This movement may have contributed to the fall of great Bronze Age cultures such as the Hittites and Mycenae. These people might have been Iron Age "Celts."
~ Ireland: An advanced Bronze Age active on the island. 
~ Ireland: At this time Ireland gold work was probably more advanced than that of most of Europe.
~ to nearly 1,000 BC Eastern Mediterranean culture suffered from incursions from the east and northeast. There was a rise in instability at this time accompanied by the the development of new and better weapons.
~ North western Europe: At this time the metal, gold, and bronze work was on the rise.

1377 BC to 1360 BC: Reign of Akhenaten/Ikhnaton, Egypt's monotheistic Pharaoh, "Hymn of the sun."

1362 or 1261 BC: Birth of Herakles.

1360 BC to 1350 BC: Ireland: Setna Airt was High King. He was a direct descendant from Mil Espaine.
1360 BC to 1330 BC: Ireland: Fiachu Finscothach was High King (what's a black fleet?)
~ to 1250 BC: About the duration of the first Assyrian Empire.

1340 BC: Birth of Theseus.

1326 BC or 1241 BC: Purification of Herakles.

1320 BC to 1280 BC: Ollom Fotlal scholar was High King during this time. He was a son of Fiachu Finscothach.

1300 BC: Hittites conquered Mesopotamia.
~ Finland: The Bronze Age in Finland began about this time with the production of domestic axes. There were profound contacts with Bronze Age cultures before this time.
~ A kind of dark age fell over Europe until the advent of pre Classic...........
~ Greek Achaean/Mycenaean period in progress.
~Shang king in northern China was literate and urbane. "Probably influenced by Near Eastern culture."
~ Origen of the Phaistos dish (?) on Cyprus. Appears ancestral to Minoan

1290 BC, Earth: Precession at 11.750
1287 BC to 1286 BC, Ireland: It seems that at this time there was a High King of Ireland who has been called Eber Finn. He is said to have been a son of Mil Espaine and Scota.
~ Ireland: This is the time which Eremon and Eber Finn perhaps shared the High Kingship.
1286 BC: Ireland: This may be the year that Eremon alone succeeded to the High Kingship.

1250 BC: Phoenicians import tin from mines in England (and Ireland?)
1,238 BC: Thailand: This date the Buddhist kingdom of Sukhothai  was founded and is often considered the first Thai state. By 1,440 BC the kingdom was known throughout South East Asia and beyond.

1225 BC to 1190 BC: about this time Wars against Peoples of the Sea by Egyptians.

1,200 BC to 900 BC: Greek Dark Ages.
~ Thailand: A Thai kingdom centered on Chaing Saen in the northern highlands existed and was a predecessor of Lanna.
~ Ireland: Evidence of more immigration, greater variety of weapons and artifacts
~ Ireland: Evidence of dwellings built on artificial islands on lakes. These dwellings have been called crannogs.
~ Olmec in Mexico. The Olmec civilization flourished in Central America. An Olmec culture centered at San Lorenzo on the fertile plain overlooking the Chiquito River thrived.
~ About this time the time the Trojan War was waged between Greece and Hittite Troy and won by Greece. It included the "Siege of Troy."
1,200 BC: Neolithic culture begins in ancient Near East.
~ Near East: First stone structures at Jericho built.
~ Kame grave people and perhaps red ocher people were making pottery and putting copper beads into man-made mounds.
~ to 539 BC: Phoenician culture was active in Lebanon and shared around the Mediterranean sea and beyond probably to the Irish isle.
~ to about 1,000 BC: Middle Woodland culture extent in North America.
~ Devastation throughout most of Asia Minor due to acts of man.
~ Mexico: The Olmec were there. The Olmec were flourishing in Central America. That civilization seems to have been centered at San Lorenzo on the fertile plain overlooking Chiquito river.
~ Late Bronze Age, perhaps a re-initiation of the Early Bronze Age, with many kinds of weapons, tools, and art.
~ Ireland: Evidence of more immigration and a greater variety of weapons and artifacts.
~ Sea People repelled by Egyptians. Sea People became the Philistines of the Old Testament. Some of the Sea People may
~ Ireland: Increase immigration of an Iron Age people disturbing the culture of the country. Bronze Age Culture well developed. Weapons produced. Fine bronze daggers in evidence and even some fine bronze rapiers.