Thursday, March 18, 2021

800 BC to 600 BC

800 BC to 600 BC: archaeology, prehistory, history timeline including: Etruscans, metallurgy, alchemy, Olmec, Homer, Andes, Amazon, solar eclipse, Iron Age, Mexico, and more here: and more to come.


800 BC to 702 BC: There was a sort of industrial revolution. During this 100 years the Irish flourished and so did mining, metallurgy, and alchemy. Some Celts might have arrived. That revolution began a resurgence of mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.

~ Etruscans move into "Italy" bringing urban civilization of a high order about this time.

~ About this time an Olmec pyramid exists at La Venta, Mexico.

~ About this time Homer refers to highly developed battle-field surgery.

~ to 100 BC: Chavin Religious Cult is important to our understanding of the Chavin Culture of 900 BC to 200 BC. The culture developed mostly in what is now Peru and had wide influence. Their religious center was probably in the Andean highlands at about 10,000 feet. Its called the main culture of the Early Horizon period. They built large and fine; they worked in copper and gold; worked well in textiles; a higher understanding of acoustics, irrigation, and drainage. They traded widely from the sea over the Andes to the Amazon.

~ I have this as a period of "itinerant  singers" and believe that they had to do with rhapsodies. I would like to know where they sang and much more. Help. There is a comment section below. Could they have sung in the Greek of the time?

~ Homeric poems. Iliad and Odyssey take their 'final' shape.

~ to 790 BC: Ireland: Ai lill High King.

~ to 700 BC, Ireland: Ireland flourishes again during this period. There was a kind of industrial revolution which began about 800 BC. That revolution began a resurgence of mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.
~ Ireland: Iron Age in the land. Both Iron and Bronze were being worked at this time.

776 BC: The first Olympics.

775 BC: Sept 6th. I have this as the first authenticated date in Chinese history. There must be earlier documented dates. We don't need the day or month just the approximate year and is documentation.

763 BC: On about June 15th a solar eclipse in the northern  hemisphere.


753 BC. According to Roman legend the empire (?) was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus.

750 BC: the title/name Mago was used by Carthaginian Phoenicians and in evidence as early as this time and perhaps earlier.

~ to 690 BC: Completion of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

~ Hesiod, Greek poet from Boeotia known for  Theogony, creation of the world and gods of mythology.  


750 BC: Ireland: the name Mago was used by Carthaginian Phoenicians and in evidence as early as this time and perhaps earlier.

~ to 690 BC: Completion of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

~ Hesiod, Greek poet from Boeotia known for  Theogony, creation of the world and gods of mythology.  

735 BC: Greeks were active in Marseilles and Sicily at this time.

720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.

700 BC, Ireland: Celts arrived from parts of Gaul and Britain.`
~ Ireland was divided into provinces.
~ After this date there was change and unrest in Ireland.

~ In Ulster there began an Iron Age in the land around Tara.

~ Celts brought a significant amount of iron weapons just 

~ Ireland: Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest. Many "Celts," too many for comfort. 

~ Ireland: Celts arrived via parts of Gaul and Britain. The Island was divided into provinces.

~ Ireland: Celts brought an Iron Age culture and weapons. That culture spread from Tara in Ulster.

~ Ireland: after this time there was change and unrest in the land. There was a focus on defence. Ulster began an Iron Age in the land around Tara.

~ Ireland: Celts brought Iron Age weapons after this date.
~ Ireland: Greeks were in Ireland by this time. Others like them were probably much earlier.

 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time.

720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.


720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.

700 BC: Ireland. Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest in Ireland. Many new Celts came, perhaps too many. 

~ After 700 BC there was a change and unrest came to Ireland. More

700 BC: Disappearance of Elam. Elamites passed on a tradition and civilization at least as old as that of the Sumerians. Their capital was at Susa.

~ Assyrians destroy Babylon and divert the Euphrates to cover it.  

~ Assyrians invaded Egypt and about 25,000 of them died of typhus.        

~ to 601 BC: Annual elections of the Areopagites in Athens. Members of the Athenian juridical council elected. An action of republicans.

~ to 200 AD: Mysteries at Eleusis; dating back to the Mycenaean period.

~ Ireland: Celts arrive from parts of Gaul and Britain. Ireland divided into provinces. Change and unrest in the country. An Iron Age began in Ulster and Ireland became defensive. It seems Celts brought a technology of iron weapons which spread from Tara in Ulster to much of Ireland.

~ Persians: Their classical history begins about this time. They were probably working the Silk Road before the Great Chinese silk trade, and traded by horse and horse drawn vehicles between the Near East, and China and India, and later the people around the Mediterranean Sea.

~ Ireland: After this date a period of change and unrest began in Ireland. Ulster began an Iron Age in and around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron weapons to Ireland just after this date.

~ Ireland: Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest. Many new Celts came, too many for comfort.

~ Ireland: An Iron Age began in Ulster and Ireland became defensive.    

~ Ireland: Celts brought an Ire Age culture weapons to the island. The culture spread for Tara to much of what became Ulster.

~ Greeks came to Ireland again. By this time Irish knew Greeks and Greeks knew Irish. There was contact between Irish and Greek much earlier. Some Greeks probably became Irish, even some from the Island of Milasia.

~ Ireland was divided into provinces 

~ Ireland: very soon after this 700 BC date there was change and unrest on the Island. There came to be greater focus on defence. An Iron Age began in Ulster around Tara. Celts had brought Iron Age weapons. What could be more precise? Not Greeks or Milesians.       

694 AD 


672 BC: Rome: End of Romulus' ten month Calendar by Numa Pompilius 2nd King of Rome. January and February were added.

660 BC: Zoroaster lived at about this time, Zarathustra. Iranian who is closely related to the Avesta and probably its writer.

650 BC to 55 BC: The Negative of the "Golden Rule" is written into The Analects of Confucius.

~ Jews begin their exile in Babylonia.

650 BC to 600 BC: Etruscans on the move(?)

640 BC to 558 BC: the approximate lifetime of Solon.

638 BC to 559 BC: the approximate lifetime of Solon: Athenian statesman and poet. Is said by Plato to have heard to Atlantis from Egyptian priests.



630 BC: The Assyrians withdrew from Philistia and Egypt moved in.    

~ to 553 BC: Lifespan of Zarathustra. 

~ Assyria: Assur bani pal threw a great festival whereat 69,000 people consumed the content of more than 10,000 wins-skins in ten days.

~ to 640 BC: Ireland: Sometime during this period Ugaine Mor ruled as high king of Ireland for about 30 years. He was the son Eochu Buadac and grand son of Dui Ladrach. He was the foster son of Cimbaeth and Macha Mong Ruad. He may have had rule beyond Ireland. He was preceded in his kingship by Rechtaid Rigderg and followed by Loegaire Lore (his son?) perhaps after a short term by Bodbehad.    


626 BC to 604 BC: Nabopolassar: The Babylonian ruler of Chaldean ancestry declared Babylon independent of Assyria rule in 625 BC. Then allied with the Medes,  he conquered the Assyrian cities each in turn.

624 BC to 545 BC: Approximate life span of Thales of  of Miletus, Greek Philosopher (now my favorite). Miletus is on the Anatolian mainland coast just south of Ephesus, north of the isle of Cos, and east of Delos in Caria.    


604 BC to 603 BC: Major Philistine cities conquered by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

~ -531 BC: Lao-tse, Chinese philosopher.


600 BC: Greeks came to Ireland again. Still some relationship between Irish and Greek.  

~ Ireland: Evidence of ongoing arrival of Celts and of their dominance of earlier people. These "Celts" seemed to be of an Indo-European culture of the day.

~ Ireland: Some interaction with Greek seems to have continued.

~ to 200 AD, USA: Tchefuncte culture links Marksville culture to Poverty Point culture. Tchefuncte pottery found from Texas to Florida.  


 ~ 600 BC: Greeks came to Ireland again.

~ By this time Irish knew Greeks and Greeks knew Irish. Their certainly was contact between Irish and Greek much earlier.

~  Still some relationship between Irish and Greek.

~ Ireland: Evidence of ongoing arrival of "Celts" and their ongoing dominance of the earlier people who did not seem to be of  Indo-European cultures were the Celts.

~ Still some relationship among Irish and Greek.

                                                                            Richard Sheehan