Thursday, March 18, 2021

1,000 BC to 800 BC

 1,000 BC to 800 BC: archaeology and prehistory timeline including: Adena Culture, Hopewell Culture, Ireland, mining, South America, Israel, earthworks, Nevada, and Iranian Cavalry. More here and more to come.

1,000 BC to 200 BC: Adena culture flourished.
~ to 100 AD: Adena culture of the Early Woodland Period extent.
~ to 400 AD: The Adena and Hopewell cultures shared a very similar tradition of building mounds and other earthworks (Bahn) 
~ Woodland Period began. Late Woodland.
~ to between  100 and 200 BC called Early  Woodland Period. Adena lived in the Ohio Region.
~ to 500 AD: NA: Adena- Hopewell Period.
~ to 500 AD: US: Basket makers in what is now central Nevada were still using the atlatl.
~ Paper cloth and bark cloth manufactured in Mesoamerica.
~ By this date iron working had begun in the Near East.
~ Iranian cavalry was begun.
~ to between 900 AD and 1,700 AD: Woodland Period.
~ Gordon considers full Adena and burial mound Period to have begun 
~ to 200 BC: Long-headed Hopewell continue basic patterns of Adena.
~ Spain: Mining carried on by the Tyrian. Tyrian could refer to ancient Akkadian/Phoenicians from Tyre in what is now Lebanon. Or to the red/purple Tyrian colors traded by Phoenicians.                              
~ Estonia: A single-farm-based settlement started. Interesting. This is not common. However, at about this time it seems to have been extent in most of Scandinavia and perhaps in Ireland.
~ Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ India: The Rig Veda religious text was already compiled.
~ to 290 AD: Maya high civilization of the late pre-classic and middle pre-classic periods existed.
~ to 2000 AD: Most of this time the Irish people, at best, had a hard row to how. Every people have had hard times. Do you know of a people who have survived after 3000 years of had times. During these years they had some periods to catch their breath and time to make important contributions to mankind.
~ to 900 BC, Ireland: Milesians were probably arriving in Ireland by this period. They were "miners," farmers, and horsemen with iron tools, weapons, and other items of iron. The Iron Age had come to Ireland in spades. When the Milesians came Danann where there, Firbolg and others too. They were not exterminated by the Milesians. Neither was the high Bronze age culture of the Danann completely overcome. 
~ 900 BC to 800 BC, Ireland: During this time the quality of metal work was relatively high. It was a high point in bronze technology. Not just in weapons and tools, but also in such as musical instruments, horns, advanced earrings. There was also major improvements in tools and weapons.
~ Ireland: By this time an Iron Age was beginning to be felt on the Island.
~ Ireland: Much of the finer gold work was being produced in the far south of the Island. Much has also been traced to what is northern Munster.

950 BC to 800 BC: Homeric solar minimum.
~ to 930 BC: Ireland: Finn mac Blatha was High King. He was the great grandson of Ollom Fotla.
900 BC: Lycurgus, Spartan/Spartan lawmaker. 
880 BC to 840 BC About this time the House of Omri ruled in Israel.
870 BC to 860 BC: Ireland: Sirlam High King at this time. He was a son of Finn mac Blatha.
850 BC to 200 BC: Chavin de Huantar in Peru, South America is an archaeological complex of very high cultural level supposed to have been built by the Chavin culture.
~ About this time the Hebrew Profit, Micah lived.

825 BC:Phililestian power was broken by a concerted attack of Phoenicians and Hebrews. The tribe of Da had worked with and continued to co-operate with Phoenicians and a few Irishmen. Was King David around at this time.
~ The Fertile Crescent was not peaceful.
~ The Caucasia kingdom of van was extent,
~ Phoenicians contended with Greek in the west Med. Maybe Phoenician got more  Spanish gold than did Greek
 800 BC: A sort of industrial revolution began in Ireland and lasted for nearly 100 years. During those years the Irish people flourished and so did mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.   
~ Ireland was connected to the world and "Celts" continued to arrive.

~ Ireland: At this time there was also significant nordic influence on Irish metal work. Irish metal workers were quick to adapt to and improve on the works of others to the north, south, and east of the island. Also the the arrival of much Iron Age culture had also been been a disturbing influence on the people of the island.
