Thursday, March 18, 2021

1,200 BC to 1,000 BC

 1,200 BC to 1,000 BC

1,200 BC to 800 BC: Woodland Culture Period in North America.
~ to c. 1150 BC: Mark the late Bronze Age collapse in Europe and the Middle East. And, led to the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. The collapse included the Caucus, the Balkans, the Mycenaean Kingdoms, the eastern Mediterranean, the Kassites in Babylonia, of the Hittite Empire in Anatolia, Aegean region, and North Africa.
~ Sea-People: Repelled by the Egyptians; the settled on the southern costal plain of Canaan; some may have inhabited Cicely and probably Criti. The Sea People probably became the Philistines of the Old Testament.
~ Arameans settle in Aram.
~ Trojan War: About this time the Trojan War was being waged between Greek and Hittite. It included the Siege of Troy. Greeks won.
~ Priam: He spoke of his youth of this time, saying that on the side of the Phryzians against the Amazons (?) Phrygians?
~ Collapse of the Mediterranean Bronze Age.

1177 BC: Cultural collapse around the Mediterranean Sea. 

1,130 BC: Around this time Eochu was a high king in Ireland for perhaps a decade. He was a son of Finn.

1120 BC: China: There is evidence of a Chinese dictionary in circulation.
~ Eastern Mediterranean: An epidemic broke out and is said to have killed 50,000 persons. In the Bible it is called the Plague of the Philistines.

1115 BC to 1095 BC, Ireland: According to Keating and 1493 BC to 1473 the Annals of the Four Masters. Eochaid Faebar Glas was High King of Ireland. He was the son of Conmael it  is said and came to power after killing the "joint" High King, Cermana Finn, in battle at Dun Cermna (Down mac Patrick in Kinsale, County Cork),and Cermna's brother and colleague, Sobairce was killed by Eochaid Menn of the Fomorians.
Eochaid Faebar Glas was Preceded by Cermna Fin and Sobairce and succeeded by Fiacha Labrainne

1111 BC to 255 BC, China: The duration of the Chou dynasty, founded on feudalistic principals.
~ to 400 BC, Central America: Olmec in flourishing in the Gulf coast region. It centered at what is now San Lorenzo on a fertile plain overlooking the Chiquito River.
~ Asian Minor: Devastation throughout most of the area.
~ 800 BC: Arameans occupied Aram in northern Syrta and also seized a large track of Mesopotamia. They held Anatolia in northern Syria.

1100 BC, Honduras: Chocolate beer? Rosemary Joyce of the U of California at Berkeley, anthropology department reported that inhabitants of Puerto Escondido drank a fermented version of cacao about this date.
 1100 BC: "Chocolate beer." Rosemary Joyce of the U. of California at Berkeley anthropology department reported that inhabitants of Puerto Escondido, Honduras drank a fermented version of cacao at about this date.
1081 BC, Constantinople: Alexius, the first Komnenos, became emperor establishing the Komnenos dynasty. The next year, to gain support of the Venetian navy against the Normans in south Italy, he granted Venice legal, political, and economic concessions, eventually leading to to Venetian commercial and economic domination in much of the Byzantine Empire. 

1,000 BC: Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ The Rig Veda religious text was already compiled in India.                       
~ to 290 AD: Mayan high civilization of the late preClassical and middle preClassical periods existed.
~ Beginning of the Late Bronze Age in Europe.
~ to 200 BC: Adena native American culture extent in North America.
~ Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ to 290 AD: Mayan high civilization of the late preClassical and middle preClassical periods existed.
~ Estonia: Around this time single-farm-based settlements started!
1177 BC: Cultural collapse around the  Mediterranean.