Friday, March 3, 2023

2,400 BC to 2,200 BC

2,400 BC to 2,200 BC

 2,400 BC to 2350 BC: Lugalzaggisi, king of Urak, defeated the Lagash empire and became "King of the Countries."

2,360 BC to 2180 BC: Sargon united Mesopotamia and created the Akkadian empire. 

2,350 BC to 2,150 BC, Mesopotamia: Akkad the origin of King Sargon. Akkadian, a Semitic language replaces Sumerian. A new naturalism in art appears.

~ to 2,100 BC Sargon, the first king of Akkadian dynasty, defeats Lugalzaggisi and creates a vast Semitic empire in Mesopotamia and calls himself king of the Four Quarters.

~ to 670 AD, Ireland: Nemedians were arriving in Ireland, it is said. They were considered holy and privileged (Dannan?)

2345 BC to 2181 BC, Egypt: Sixth dynasty.

2,340 BC, Ireland: Nemed and many of his people died of plague. He was buried on the hill of Ard Nemid on Great Island in Cork Harbor.

2,345 BC to 2,181 BC, Egypt: Sixth dynasty.

2,320 BC to 2,270 BC, Egypt: Pepi fought against the sand-dwellers.

2,300 BC to 2,200 BC: Destruction of Near East city states.!?!

2,250 BC, Peru: Cotton cultivated. In colors?

~ Historic literacy? Evidence of literacy in cities of the Near East area: Abydos, Coptos, Erech, Heracleopolis, etc.

~ Near East: Historic literacy. Evidence of literacy in the city states of Abydos, Coptos, Erech, Harapa, Heracleopolis, and more in the Near east area. Harrapa was probably in South Asia in and near the subcontinent that is India.

2,200 BC to 700 BC, North America: Poverty Point people near Epes,      Imports from Tennessee and Georgia area found at site.

2,150 BC, Ireland: A new people came to the island.It has been thought that  they came from around what is now called Belgium. Were they fir Bolg? Did the come from the Near East?

~ There is evidence that Aryans entered the Indus Valley about this time. Were Aryans the same people who became Persians or Iranians,

2,205 BC to 1,766 BC, China: Xia dynasty in Xian to Shandong along the Yangtze river,

2,200 BC to 700 BC, USA: "Poverty Point people" were active near what is now Epes, Louisiana. There is evidence that there was a wide trade network. Much of the trade carried on by the Poverty Point people was with people in what have become the nearby states of Tennessee and Georgia. They also down the lower Mississippi river and from along the Gulf Coast. About 1,500 likely trading sites have been found.  Imports form this southern are have been found at Poverty Point.

~ to 1,800 BC, USA: Is called the Archaic Mound Building period in the US. There is evidence of this period having begun on the Lower Mississippi in what are now Carroll and Monroe parishes in the state of Louisiana.

2,150 BC: New people came to Ireland, probably from what is now called Belgium. Were they Fir Bolg?`

~ Evidence that Aryans ïnvade" the Indus Valley.
