Friday, March 3, 2023

2,400 BC to 2,200 BC

2,400 BC to 2,200 BC

 2,400 BC to 2350 BC: Lugalzaggisi, king of Urak, defeated the Lagash empire and became "King of the Countries."

2,360 BC to 2180 BC: Sargon united Mesopotamia and created the Akkadian empire. 

2,350 BC to 2,150 BC, Mesopotamia: Akkad the origin of King Sargon. Akkadian, a Semitic language replaces Sumerian. A new naturalism in art appears.

~ to 2,100 BC Sargon, the first king of Akkadian dynasty, defeats Lugalzaggisi and creates a vast Semitic empire in Mesopotamia and calls himself king of the Four Quarters.

~ to 670 AD, Ireland: Nemedians were arriving in Ireland, it is said. They were considered holy and privileged (Dannan?)

2345 BC to 2181 BC, Egypt: Sixth dynasty.

2,340 BC, Ireland: Nemed and many of his people died of plague. He was buried on the hill of Ard Nemid on Great Island in Cork Harbor.

2,345 BC to 2,181 BC, Egypt: Sixth dynasty.

2,320 BC to 2,270 BC, Egypt: Pepi fought against the sand-dwellers.

2,300 BC to 2,200 BC: Destruction of Near East city states.!?!

2,250 BC, Peru: Cotton cultivated. In colors?

~ Historic literacy? Evidence of literacy in cities of the Near East area: Abydos, Coptos, Erech, Heracleopolis, etc.

~ Near East: Historic literacy. Evidence of literacy in the city states of Abydos, Coptos, Erech, Harapa, Heracleopolis, and more in the Near east area. Harrapa was probably in South Asia in and near the subcontinent that is India.

2,200 BC to 700 BC, North America: Poverty Point people near Epes,      Imports from Tennessee and Georgia area found at site.

2,150 BC, Ireland: A new people came to the island.It has been thought that  they came from around what is now called Belgium. Were they fir Bolg? Did the come from the Near East?

~ There is evidence that Aryans entered the Indus Valley about this time. Were Aryans the same people who became Persians or Iranians,

2,205 BC to 1,766 BC, China: Xia dynasty in Xian to Shandong along the Yangtze river,

2,200 BC to 700 BC, USA: "Poverty Point people" were active near what is now Epes, Louisiana. There is evidence that there was a wide trade network. Much of the trade carried on by the Poverty Point people was with people in what have become the nearby states of Tennessee and Georgia. They also down the lower Mississippi river and from along the Gulf Coast. About 1,500 likely trading sites have been found.  Imports form this southern are have been found at Poverty Point.

~ to 1,800 BC, USA: Is called the Archaic Mound Building period in the US. There is evidence of this period having begun on the Lower Mississippi in what are now Carroll and Monroe parishes in the state of Louisiana.

2,150 BC: New people came to Ireland, probably from what is now called Belgium. Were they Fir Bolg?`

~ Evidence that Aryans ïnvade" the Indus Valley.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

600 BC to 400 BC

 600 BC to 400 BC: A history timeline with items being added.

 600 BC

600 BC: By this time the people of the island of Hellenic culture Miletus had become a maritime culture. Might the Milesians arrived in Ireland around this time?

~ Zoroaster  lived at this time. He was an Iranian/Persian prophet and close associated with the Zend Avesta and the worship of Ormagd.

~ to 200 AD: North America: Tchefuncte Culture links Marksville Culture to to Poverty Point culture. Tchefuncte pottery found from Texas to Florida.

~ Ireland: By this time a culture which has been called Gaelic was present in the Island.

~ Ireland: Evidence of a beginning of an ongoing arrival of  "Celts" and their ongoing dominance of the earlier people who were a non Indo-European Bronze Age people.
~ Wales: By this time there may well have been Celtic Irish settled among the Welsh. About this time Desi and Ui Laithain traveled to Cornwall and Wales from Munster. About this time they were writing Ogham on standing stones there. Ogham was used a bit earlier in Munster. 

500 BC, Ireland: La Tien civilization was apparent.
~ Ireland: The people we have called Celts came early and continued arriving for long. By this time they were probably dominant in the land.

586 BC to 526 BC: Lifespan of Anaximander, philosopher and teacher of Anaximenes. Anaximenes was a Miletus Greek.

586 BC to 526 BC: Lifespan of Anaximander, philosopher and teacher of Anaximenes. Anaximenes was a Miletus Greek.


580 BC: to 500 (?) BC: China: Laozi, articulate apologist for Taoist ideas.


563 BC: Birth of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. 

556 BC to 468 BC: Greek: The approximate life span of Simonides, son of Leopropes and a decedent of Hychus. He was born in Ioulis on the important little island of Ceos, said to be the birth place of Apollo. Simonides is said to have influenced Socrates.


551 BC to 479 BC: lifespan of Kung-Fu-tzu, Confucius. He was also a man of great stature

550 BC to 340 BC, Carthage: For these years the Magonids were a political dynasty. 

~ Mago I takes power in Carthage. 

~ to 340 BC: For these years the Magonids were a political dynasty in Carthage.

~ Mago I takes power in Carthage.

~ There were probably to have been Celts, Keltoi in Ireland by this time.

540 BC to 535 BC, Greek Territory: The Battle of Sardinia Sea/Battle of Alalia took place sometime between these dates. It was a sea battle off the coast of Corsica between the Phocaean Greeks VS Carthage and Etruscans. I am uncertain of the results, but in part it may be said that it included a Greek Cadmean victory and an Etruscan - Carthaginian strategic victory and has much to say about the state of affairs in that part of  Med. Greek power seem to have been weakened. By the 9th century Phoenician power was already growing and by the 8th century Etruscans were a local power. Still Greeks were still planting colonies in 750 BC and onward and dominating the Tyrrhenian coast and by 630 had returned to Iberia. So the Greeks stayed powerful long and through strong opposition. The Irish certainly felt the Greek - Phoenician conflict. 

~ Corsica: A Carthaginian/Etruscan alliance had expelled  the Greeks from Corsica after the battle of  Alalia fought near Alalia between Carthaginians and Etruscan Greeks(?).

~ A Carthaginian/Etruscan alliance had expelled the Greeks from Corsica after the 

battle of  Alalia.

~ Hanno's reign ends. It has under him whom a large part of Africa was added to Carthage's dominion and more of the the Atlantic coast of Africa was explored and settled!  

~ Hamilco takes power in Carthage.

535 BC to 500 BC: The sea battle of Alalia was fought near Alalia between Carthaginians and Etruscan Greeks.

530 BC: Mago dies and Hasdrubal takes power in Carthage.

520s BC: During this time Hasdrubal with his brother Hamilcar I Launches an expedition against Sardinia.

510 BC: Hamilcar takes power in Carthage. 

500 BC to 400 BC: There is strong evidence that the Carthaginians were carrying on trade with of the islands beyond the Pillars of Hercules and that it included Ireland.

~ Estonia: The Iron Age began here about this time. 
~ Ireland: This date may mark the beginning an Iron Age. There was certainly a relatively large amount iron being worked.  

 500 BC, Ireland: La Tien civilization was apparent.

551 BC to 479 BC: lifespan of Kung-Fu-tzu, Confucius. He was also a man of great stature physically.

550 BC to 340 BC: For these years the Magonids were a political dynasty in Carthage.

~ Mago takes power in Carthage. 

~ There were public libraries in Athens. 

545 BC: Thales, the great philosopher of Miletus died. Do not let the magnitude of his d be diminished by the following. He was the first to predict an eclipse in the West. He knew that a magnet attracted iron and understood that rubbed amber produced a similar attraction.


542 BC to 288 BC: Ireland: Labraid Loingsech's reign as high king fell within this long period of time. Please help me to be more precise. He is also known as Labraid Lore son of Ailill Aine and grandson of Loegaire Lore. He was considered and ancestor of the Laigin who gave their name to the province of Leinster. It is believed that he was once exiled to Munster for 30 years where the Morca ruled at the time. The king before him was Cobthach Coel Berg. the king following him was Meilge Molbthach.

540 BC: A Carthaginian and Etruscan alliance had expelled Greeks from Corsica after the battle of Alalia.

539 BC to 331 BC: Persia/Iran was the dominant empire of the Middle East. Many Persians of the time followed the teaching of Zoroaster.


538 BC to 529 BC: The Persian/Iranian ruler, Cyrus made it possible for Exiled Jews to return to Judah. Jeshua and Zerubbabel were active during his reign. Jeshua  and Yeshua may have been an origin of the name Jesus. Jeshua was a high priest in Judah. Zerubbabel was a governor of Judaea of the time.

535 BC to 500 BC: Carthaginians and Etruscans v. Greeks in a sea battle near Alalia.

530 BC: Carthage: Mago dies and Hasdrubal I takes power.

~ to 490 BC: The kings of Rome are Etruscan.

~ Pandemic hit Athens during the Pelopennesian War.


522 BC: Darius the great describes his speedy first triumph the Magi who revolted against his rule. Magus=a member of an ancient Persian clan specializing in cultic activities. The plural of Magus is Magi = a priestly cast (Vendidad).

~ 486 BC: Darius the great, King of Persia, invaded Greece in 490 BC and was follow by Cambryes.


520s BC: Hasdrubal, with his brother Hamilcar I, launched an expedition against Sardinia.

~ to 480 BC: Etruscan kings of Rome. 

~ A certain Hanno made a voyage from the Straights of Gibraltar to beyond Gambia to reinforce certain Carthaginian trading stations. Periplus of Hanno, Hanno the Navigator.

 510 BC: Hamilcar takes power in Carthage.


509 BC: A treaty signed between Carthage and Rome indicates a division of influence an commercial activities. This is the first know source indicating that Carthage had gained control over Sicily and Sardinia, as well as Emporia and the area south of cape Bon in north Africa. It also indicates the growing power of Rome.

508 BC: Cleisthenes introduces democracy in Athens.

500 BC: At this time Kochab was the N. star. 

~ The Carthaginian navigator and explorer, Himilco explored the Atlantic coast of Europe to the Sargasso Sea.

~ Herodotus, the Greek historian lived.

~ La Tien civilization apparent in Ireland.

~ Estonia: The Iron Age began along with cultural disturbances. (the arrival of  many newcomers of an Iron Age culture?)

500 BC to 330 BC: The Archimedean Empire ruled in Mesopotamia and the Royal Silk Road was in use.

 ~ to 400 BC: There is strong evidence that the Carthaginians were carrying on trade with of lands beyond the Pillars of Hercules and that included the people of Ireland. 

~ "Celtic:" Where the canal Thiele enters lake Neucharel in Switzerland is La Tene site. In1858 the water levels were lowered there and remains of ancient timbers were reveled. Around them were many objects identified as Celtic. Since then similar objects have been La Tene. La Tene came to name a culture which began about this time.

500 BC to 330 BC: The Archimedean Empire ruled in Mesopotamia and the Royal Silk Road was in use.

 ~ to 400 BC: There is strong evidence that the Carthaginians were carrying on trade with of lands beyond the Pillars of Hercules and that included the people of Ireland. 

~ "Celtic:" Where the canal Thiele enters lake Neucharel in Switzerland is La Tene site. In 1858 the water levels were lowered there and remains of ancient timbers were revealed. Around them were many objects identified as Celtic. Since then similar objects have been La Tene. La Tene came to name a culture which began about this time.

490 AD to 562 AD: The likely life span of the Byzantine histo
rian Procopius.

 483 BC:Carthage launches the First Sicilian war against Greece in an attempt to gain control of Sicily.

480 BC: Carthage suffers a disastrous loss at the battle of Himera i which Hamilcar is killed, ending the firs Sicilian War. Hanno II, also known as Hanno the Navigator, takes power. The Tribunal of 104 is established severely weakening the power of Kings. Carthage becomes a republic.

480 BC: Xerxes, the Persian king, on his way to destroying the Acropolis at Athens, stopped at Troy to sacrifice 1,ooo oxen at the temple of Athena Herodotus.

~ to 470 BC: Ireland: Irereo Fathach the wise was High King. He was son of Molbthach.

470 BC to 430 BC: Has been called the Age of  Pericles.

468 BC to 376 BC: Mohist under Mozi advocated ''free love." Mozi has bee called a good strategist. ?

460 BC to 377 BC: Was the lifespan of Hippocrates, the father of western medicine who laid the foundation for clinical observation.

450 BC? to 404 BC: Alcibiades: Athenian politician and general.

~ There were probably Celts, Keltoi in Ireland by this time.

440 BC: Hanno's reign ends. Under him a large part of Africa was added to Carthage's dominion and more of the Atlantic coast of Africa was explored and settled! 

~ Himilco takes power in Carthage.

435 BC ?: Life span of Isocrates, Athenian orator, rhetorician, and teacher whose writings an important source of historical data on the Athenians of his day. Useful historian. No great intellect.


429 BC: The Plague of Athens ravaged all of Greece and much of Persia, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Italy, Germany, and Gaul!

427 BC to 348 BC: Plato wrote The Republic. Plato, pupil of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle,

~ Criticas was a historian. Timaeus was an astronomer.

423 BC to 348 BC: Life span of  Plato.

440 BC: Hanno's reign ends, under whom a large part of Africa was added to Carthage's dominion. More of the coast of Africa was explored and settled! Trade with Ireland. Himilco takes power in Carthage.

423 BC to 348 BC: Life span of Plato.


410 BC: Carthage: Hannibal takes power and in the same year invades Sicily.

409 BC: Carthage: Hannibal's invasion of Sicily ends in the destruction of the city of Selinus, ally of the powerful Greek city of Syracuse.

407 BC to 399 BC: Plato became the pupil of Socrates.


406 BC: Carthage: Himilco II took power after Hannibal died of disease. 

 406 BC: Himilco II takes power after Hannibal dies of disease.




400 BC: to perhaps as early as 500 BC: A disruptive change occurred in the Mississippian Wood land culture. The change was marked by increased reliance on corn agriculture, increased use of  bow and arrow, and less reliance on with atlatl. Other markers of the change are long nosed god, shell and copper masks, bi-lobed arrows, and "chunky" playing.









Friday, May 28, 2021

2,200 BC to 2,000 BC

 2,200 BC to 2,000 BC

2,200 BC to 700 BC: Poverty Point earthworks people near what is now Epes, Louisiana, U.S. Imports from Tennessee, Georgia, lower Mississippi, and along the Gulf of Mexico coast found. About 1,50 possible trading sites located in the area. I need more positive dates for the flourishing of people at this site. 
~ t0 1,800 BC: Is called the Archaic Mound-Building period in the US. There is some evidence of it having begun on the lower Mississippi river in what is now called Carroll and Monroe parishes of the state of Louisiana

2150 BC: New people came to Ireland at this time, perhaps from the region of Belgium. These newcomers may have been Fir Bolg##, who may have been Celts.

~ Egypt: The Old Kingdom collapsed around this time.

~ There is evidence Aryans "invade" the Indus Valley.

~ Ireland: Evidence of well developed copper mining in west Cork. Evidence of tin.

~ dating near this time in Ireland and parts of Europe there was a useful copper rapier made before there was a bronze slashing sword!

2,129 BC: Gudea ruled Lagash.His ''personal deity" was Ningishzida.

2,110 BC to 2,o90 BC, Ur: Lifespan of Nammu of

2,100 BC: Abraham migrates from Ur.

~ to 2,000 BC, Near East: Akkadian Empire disintegrates after nearly 2,000of riding high.

~ In the city states of Lagash, Gudea rebuilds many temples and installs finely carved diorite statues of himself to demonstrate his piety. So Mesopotamia is reunited under the kings of Ur. Ziggurats built.

~ Abraham leaves Ur in Chaldea.


2050 BC: Theban princes subdued the Heracleopolitans.  


 2,000 BC to 1650 BC: Middle Hellenic period: Slower development of Megaron type dwellings. Was this related to the culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians?

~ to 1450 BC: The Minoan culture base on Crete flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing trading network. The Cretan city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons. 

~ to 1,000 BC: Has been called the Archaic Period in North America. Others have called it the Formative Stage.

~ to 1,000 BC: The Old Copper Complex of Great Lakes in North America dated to this time.

~ Ireland: Strong evidence of mining and metal work in Ireland by this time. Bronze and gold objects were made. Axe heads, pottery, and jewelry are also found.

2,000 BC to 1,700 BC, Ireland: Milesians## were already active in Ireland; documentation is available. 
~ Ireland: By this time some of the people whom we have called were already living on the island.
~ Ireland: Strong evidence of mining and metalwork, bronze and gold objects were made. Axe heads, pottery, and jewelry found dating to this time and before. 

~ to 1650 BC, Ireland: Danaan still active. They were called Danann by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians. Dan reminds me of a tribe of the Jews.

~ to 1650 BC: Greece: Middle Hellenic period. There was slower development during this time. Megaron type of dwellings used. Was this culture called Danann by Homer and Danaya by   ?

~ Who says that there is evidence of Celtic visits to New Zealand about this time?

~ The Northmen and Saxons were calling Ireland  Ir-land or Ir-landa.
~ Ireland: About this time to between 1600 BC and 1290 BC, Eber Finn was High King of Ireland. He was the son of Mil Espaine(Milesious)##. It seems he was an immigrant who landed at Bantry Bay. He and his brother fought the de Danann and drive them into the hills. The name Hibernia, used by Julius Caesar as a name for Ireland, might me derived from Eber or Heber.
~ to 1450 BC: The Minoan culture based in Crete flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing network. Their city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons. 
~ to 1,000 BC, North America: The old copper complex of people around the Great Lakes was active
~ t0 1,700 BC, Ireland: "Milesian Genealogies." Strong evidence is available.
~ to 1650 BC: Middle Hellenic period. Slower development; use of Megaron dwellings. May be the time of a culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by the Egyptians.
~ Ireland: From about this time until between about 1,600 and 1290 BC, Eber Finn was a High King and a son of Mil Espaine, Milesious. It seems that he was an immigrant who landed at Bantry Bay. He and his brother fought the de Dannan and drove them into the hills. The name Hibernia, used by Julius Caesar, as a name for Ireland, might be derived from Eber or Heber. (The Northmen and Saxsons came to call the land Ir-land or Ir-landa.)
~ to 1,700 BC, Ireland: Strong evidence for Milesian.
~ to 1,650 BC: Middle Hellenic period. Slower development; use of Megaron type dwellings. This may also have been the time the culture called Dananns by Homer and Danaya by Egyptians.
~ to 1,450 BC, Crete: The Minoan culture flourished greatly. They had an intensive seagoing network. The city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons.
~ to 1,000 BC, North America: The Old Copper Complex of the Great Lakes was active.
~ Ireland: Strong evidence for mining and metal work by this time and that bronze and gold objects were made. Much jewelry and pottery found.
~ to 1,000 BC: "Formative stage in North America"
~ Anatolia/Turkey: An ancient people came to north-central Anatolia in the Bronze Age, perhaps before 2,000. They may have come from the area of Ukrainian. By 1,600 BC they had begun an empire on the Hattusa.










Wednesday, May 5, 2021

1,400 BC to 1,200 BC

 1,400 BC to 1,200 BC: archaeology, prehistory, history timeline including: Bronze Age, Greece, Troy, Ireland, Europe, Ireland, Thailand, South East Asia. More here and more coming.

  1,400 BC to nearly 700 BC: There was an expansion of farming/agriculture in Ireland. Less Trauma and lots of babies.Trees were cut down and grains planted.
~ to 800 BC: A kind of Dark Age fell over much of Europe until the development of pre-Classical Greece and Phoenicia. During these same years a sort of Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe. Also during these same years there was a movement of a horse culture people southwest into the eastern Mediterranean area. This movement may have contributed to the fall of great Bronze Age cultures such as the Hittites and Mycenae. These people might have been Iron Age "Celts."
~ Ireland: An advanced Bronze Age active on the island. 
~ Ireland: At this time Ireland gold work was probably more advanced than that of most of Europe.
~ to nearly 1,000 BC Eastern Mediterranean culture suffered from incursions from the east and northeast. There was a rise in instability at this time accompanied by the the development of new and better weapons.
~ North western Europe: At this time the metal, gold, and bronze work was on the rise.

1377 BC to 1360 BC: Reign of Akhenaten/Ikhnaton, Egypt's monotheistic Pharaoh, "Hymn of the sun."

1362 or 1261 BC: Birth of Herakles.

1360 BC to 1350 BC: Ireland: Setna Airt was High King. He was a direct descendant from Mil Espaine.
1360 BC to 1330 BC: Ireland: Fiachu Finscothach was High King (what's a black fleet?)
~ to 1250 BC: About the duration of the first Assyrian Empire.

1340 BC: Birth of Theseus.

1326 BC or 1241 BC: Purification of Herakles.

1320 BC to 1280 BC: Ollom Fotlal scholar was High King during this time. He was a son of Fiachu Finscothach.

1300 BC: Hittites conquered Mesopotamia.
~ Finland: The Bronze Age in Finland began about this time with the production of domestic axes. There were profound contacts with Bronze Age cultures before this time.
~ A kind of dark age fell over Europe until the advent of pre Classic...........
~ Greek Achaean/Mycenaean period in progress.
~Shang king in northern China was literate and urbane. "Probably influenced by Near Eastern culture."
~ Origen of the Phaistos dish (?) on Cyprus. Appears ancestral to Minoan

1290 BC, Earth: Precession at 11.750
1287 BC to 1286 BC, Ireland: It seems that at this time there was a High King of Ireland who has been called Eber Finn. He is said to have been a son of Mil Espaine and Scota.
~ Ireland: This is the time which Eremon and Eber Finn perhaps shared the High Kingship.
1286 BC: Ireland: This may be the year that Eremon alone succeeded to the High Kingship.

1250 BC: Phoenicians import tin from mines in England (and Ireland?)
1,238 BC: Thailand: This date the Buddhist kingdom of Sukhothai  was founded and is often considered the first Thai state. By 1,440 BC the kingdom was known throughout South East Asia and beyond.

1225 BC to 1190 BC: about this time Wars against Peoples of the Sea by Egyptians.

1,200 BC to 900 BC: Greek Dark Ages.
~ Thailand: A Thai kingdom centered on Chaing Saen in the northern highlands existed and was a predecessor of Lanna.
~ Ireland: Evidence of more immigration, greater variety of weapons and artifacts
~ Ireland: Evidence of dwellings built on artificial islands on lakes. These dwellings have been called crannogs.
~ Olmec in Mexico. The Olmec civilization flourished in Central America. An Olmec culture centered at San Lorenzo on the fertile plain overlooking the Chiquito River thrived.
~ About this time the time the Trojan War was waged between Greece and Hittite Troy and won by Greece. It included the "Siege of Troy."
1,200 BC: Neolithic culture begins in ancient Near East.
~ Near East: First stone structures at Jericho built.
~ Kame grave people and perhaps red ocher people were making pottery and putting copper beads into man-made mounds.
~ to 539 BC: Phoenician culture was active in Lebanon and shared around the Mediterranean sea and beyond probably to the Irish isle.
~ to about 1,000 BC: Middle Woodland culture extent in North America.
~ Devastation throughout most of Asia Minor due to acts of man.
~ Mexico: The Olmec were there. The Olmec were flourishing in Central America. That civilization seems to have been centered at San Lorenzo on the fertile plain overlooking Chiquito river.
~ Late Bronze Age, perhaps a re-initiation of the Early Bronze Age, with many kinds of weapons, tools, and art.
~ Ireland: Evidence of more immigration and a greater variety of weapons and artifacts.
~ Sea People repelled by Egyptians. Sea People became the Philistines of the Old Testament. Some of the Sea People may
~ Ireland: Increase immigration of an Iron Age people disturbing the culture of the country. Bronze Age Culture well developed. Weapons produced. Fine bronze daggers in evidence and even some fine bronze rapiers.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

800 BC to 600 BC

800 BC to 600 BC: archaeology, prehistory, history timeline including: Etruscans, metallurgy, alchemy, Olmec, Homer, Andes, Amazon, solar eclipse, Iron Age, Mexico, and more here: and more to come.


800 BC to 702 BC: There was a sort of industrial revolution. During this 100 years the Irish flourished and so did mining, metallurgy, and alchemy. Some Celts might have arrived. That revolution began a resurgence of mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.

~ Etruscans move into "Italy" bringing urban civilization of a high order about this time.

~ About this time an Olmec pyramid exists at La Venta, Mexico.

~ About this time Homer refers to highly developed battle-field surgery.

~ to 100 BC: Chavin Religious Cult is important to our understanding of the Chavin Culture of 900 BC to 200 BC. The culture developed mostly in what is now Peru and had wide influence. Their religious center was probably in the Andean highlands at about 10,000 feet. Its called the main culture of the Early Horizon period. They built large and fine; they worked in copper and gold; worked well in textiles; a higher understanding of acoustics, irrigation, and drainage. They traded widely from the sea over the Andes to the Amazon.

~ I have this as a period of "itinerant  singers" and believe that they had to do with rhapsodies. I would like to know where they sang and much more. Help. There is a comment section below. Could they have sung in the Greek of the time?

~ Homeric poems. Iliad and Odyssey take their 'final' shape.

~ to 790 BC: Ireland: Ai lill High King.

~ to 700 BC, Ireland: Ireland flourishes again during this period. There was a kind of industrial revolution which began about 800 BC. That revolution began a resurgence of mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.
~ Ireland: Iron Age in the land. Both Iron and Bronze were being worked at this time.

776 BC: The first Olympics.

775 BC: Sept 6th. I have this as the first authenticated date in Chinese history. There must be earlier documented dates. We don't need the day or month just the approximate year and is documentation.

763 BC: On about June 15th a solar eclipse in the northern  hemisphere.


753 BC. According to Roman legend the empire (?) was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus.

750 BC: the title/name Mago was used by Carthaginian Phoenicians and in evidence as early as this time and perhaps earlier.

~ to 690 BC: Completion of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

~ Hesiod, Greek poet from Boeotia known for  Theogony, creation of the world and gods of mythology.  


750 BC: Ireland: the name Mago was used by Carthaginian Phoenicians and in evidence as early as this time and perhaps earlier.

~ to 690 BC: Completion of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

~ Hesiod, Greek poet from Boeotia known for  Theogony, creation of the world and gods of mythology.  

735 BC: Greeks were active in Marseilles and Sicily at this time.

720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.

700 BC, Ireland: Celts arrived from parts of Gaul and Britain.`
~ Ireland was divided into provinces.
~ After this date there was change and unrest in Ireland.

~ In Ulster there began an Iron Age in the land around Tara.

~ Celts brought a significant amount of iron weapons just 

~ Ireland: Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest. Many "Celts," too many for comfort. 

~ Ireland: Celts arrived via parts of Gaul and Britain. The Island was divided into provinces.

~ Ireland: Celts brought an Iron Age culture and weapons. That culture spread from Tara in Ulster.

~ Ireland: after this time there was change and unrest in the land. There was a focus on defence. Ulster began an Iron Age in the land around Tara.

~ Ireland: Celts brought Iron Age weapons after this date.
~ Ireland: Greeks were in Ireland by this time. Others like them were probably much earlier.

 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time.

720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.


720 BC to 680 BC: Hezekiah of Judah lived at this time

~ Ireland: There was a focus on defense. Ulster began a Iron Age around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron Age weapons just after this date. 

~Nineveh: Translations of Sumerian texts into Semitic found at the library of Nineveh.

~ Mexico: Oxtotitlan paints dating to about this found north of Acapulco in Juxtlahuaca cave. Paintings are some of the most sophisticated of their time in the New World.

700 BC: Ireland. Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest in Ireland. Many new Celts came, perhaps too many. 

~ After 700 BC there was a change and unrest came to Ireland. More

700 BC: Disappearance of Elam. Elamites passed on a tradition and civilization at least as old as that of the Sumerians. Their capital was at Susa.

~ Assyrians destroy Babylon and divert the Euphrates to cover it.  

~ Assyrians invaded Egypt and about 25,000 of them died of typhus.        

~ to 601 BC: Annual elections of the Areopagites in Athens. Members of the Athenian juridical council elected. An action of republicans.

~ to 200 AD: Mysteries at Eleusis; dating back to the Mycenaean period.

~ Ireland: Celts arrive from parts of Gaul and Britain. Ireland divided into provinces. Change and unrest in the country. An Iron Age began in Ulster and Ireland became defensive. It seems Celts brought a technology of iron weapons which spread from Tara in Ulster to much of Ireland.

~ Persians: Their classical history begins about this time. They were probably working the Silk Road before the Great Chinese silk trade, and traded by horse and horse drawn vehicles between the Near East, and China and India, and later the people around the Mediterranean Sea.

~ Ireland: After this date a period of change and unrest began in Ireland. Ulster began an Iron Age in and around Tara.

~ Celts brought Iron weapons to Ireland just after this date.

~ Ireland: Very shortly after this time came a period of change and unrest. Many new Celts came, too many for comfort.

~ Ireland: An Iron Age began in Ulster and Ireland became defensive.    

~ Ireland: Celts brought an Ire Age culture weapons to the island. The culture spread for Tara to much of what became Ulster.

~ Greeks came to Ireland again. By this time Irish knew Greeks and Greeks knew Irish. There was contact between Irish and Greek much earlier. Some Greeks probably became Irish, even some from the Island of Milasia.

~ Ireland was divided into provinces 

~ Ireland: very soon after this 700 BC date there was change and unrest on the Island. There came to be greater focus on defence. An Iron Age began in Ulster around Tara. Celts had brought Iron Age weapons. What could be more precise? Not Greeks or Milesians.       

694 AD 


672 BC: Rome: End of Romulus' ten month Calendar by Numa Pompilius 2nd King of Rome. January and February were added.

660 BC: Zoroaster lived at about this time, Zarathustra. Iranian who is closely related to the Avesta and probably its writer.

650 BC to 55 BC: The Negative of the "Golden Rule" is written into The Analects of Confucius.

~ Jews begin their exile in Babylonia.

650 BC to 600 BC: Etruscans on the move(?)

640 BC to 558 BC: the approximate lifetime of Solon.

638 BC to 559 BC: the approximate lifetime of Solon: Athenian statesman and poet. Is said by Plato to have heard to Atlantis from Egyptian priests.



630 BC: The Assyrians withdrew from Philistia and Egypt moved in.    

~ to 553 BC: Lifespan of Zarathustra. 

~ Assyria: Assur bani pal threw a great festival whereat 69,000 people consumed the content of more than 10,000 wins-skins in ten days.

~ to 640 BC: Ireland: Sometime during this period Ugaine Mor ruled as high king of Ireland for about 30 years. He was the son Eochu Buadac and grand son of Dui Ladrach. He was the foster son of Cimbaeth and Macha Mong Ruad. He may have had rule beyond Ireland. He was preceded in his kingship by Rechtaid Rigderg and followed by Loegaire Lore (his son?) perhaps after a short term by Bodbehad.    


626 BC to 604 BC: Nabopolassar: The Babylonian ruler of Chaldean ancestry declared Babylon independent of Assyria rule in 625 BC. Then allied with the Medes,  he conquered the Assyrian cities each in turn.

624 BC to 545 BC: Approximate life span of Thales of  of Miletus, Greek Philosopher (now my favorite). Miletus is on the Anatolian mainland coast just south of Ephesus, north of the isle of Cos, and east of Delos in Caria.    


604 BC to 603 BC: Major Philistine cities conquered by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

~ -531 BC: Lao-tse, Chinese philosopher.


600 BC: Greeks came to Ireland again. Still some relationship between Irish and Greek.  

~ Ireland: Evidence of ongoing arrival of Celts and of their dominance of earlier people. These "Celts" seemed to be of an Indo-European culture of the day.

~ Ireland: Some interaction with Greek seems to have continued.

~ to 200 AD, USA: Tchefuncte culture links Marksville culture to Poverty Point culture. Tchefuncte pottery found from Texas to Florida.  


 ~ 600 BC: Greeks came to Ireland again.

~ By this time Irish knew Greeks and Greeks knew Irish. Their certainly was contact between Irish and Greek much earlier.

~  Still some relationship between Irish and Greek.

~ Ireland: Evidence of ongoing arrival of "Celts" and their ongoing dominance of the earlier people who did not seem to be of  Indo-European cultures were the Celts.

~ Still some relationship among Irish and Greek.

                                                                            Richard Sheehan

1,000 BC to 800 BC

 1,000 BC to 800 BC: archaeology and prehistory timeline including: Adena Culture, Hopewell Culture, Ireland, mining, South America, Israel, earthworks, Nevada, and Iranian Cavalry. More here and more to come.

1,000 BC to 200 BC: Adena culture flourished.
~ to 100 AD: Adena culture of the Early Woodland Period extent.
~ to 400 AD: The Adena and Hopewell cultures shared a very similar tradition of building mounds and other earthworks (Bahn) 
~ Woodland Period began. Late Woodland.
~ to between  100 and 200 BC called Early  Woodland Period. Adena lived in the Ohio Region.
~ to 500 AD: NA: Adena- Hopewell Period.
~ to 500 AD: US: Basket makers in what is now central Nevada were still using the atlatl.
~ Paper cloth and bark cloth manufactured in Mesoamerica.
~ By this date iron working had begun in the Near East.
~ Iranian cavalry was begun.
~ to between 900 AD and 1,700 AD: Woodland Period.
~ Gordon considers full Adena and burial mound Period to have begun 
~ to 200 BC: Long-headed Hopewell continue basic patterns of Adena.
~ Spain: Mining carried on by the Tyrian. Tyrian could refer to ancient Akkadian/Phoenicians from Tyre in what is now Lebanon. Or to the red/purple Tyrian colors traded by Phoenicians.                              
~ Estonia: A single-farm-based settlement started. Interesting. This is not common. However, at about this time it seems to have been extent in most of Scandinavia and perhaps in Ireland.
~ Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ India: The Rig Veda religious text was already compiled.
~ to 290 AD: Maya high civilization of the late pre-classic and middle pre-classic periods existed.
~ to 2000 AD: Most of this time the Irish people, at best, had a hard row to how. Every people have had hard times. Do you know of a people who have survived after 3000 years of had times. During these years they had some periods to catch their breath and time to make important contributions to mankind.
~ to 900 BC, Ireland: Milesians were probably arriving in Ireland by this period. They were "miners," farmers, and horsemen with iron tools, weapons, and other items of iron. The Iron Age had come to Ireland in spades. When the Milesians came Danann where there, Firbolg and others too. They were not exterminated by the Milesians. Neither was the high Bronze age culture of the Danann completely overcome. 
~ 900 BC to 800 BC, Ireland: During this time the quality of metal work was relatively high. It was a high point in bronze technology. Not just in weapons and tools, but also in such as musical instruments, horns, advanced earrings. There was also major improvements in tools and weapons.
~ Ireland: By this time an Iron Age was beginning to be felt on the Island.
~ Ireland: Much of the finer gold work was being produced in the far south of the Island. Much has also been traced to what is northern Munster.

950 BC to 800 BC: Homeric solar minimum.
~ to 930 BC: Ireland: Finn mac Blatha was High King. He was the great grandson of Ollom Fotla.
900 BC: Lycurgus, Spartan/Spartan lawmaker. 
880 BC to 840 BC About this time the House of Omri ruled in Israel.
870 BC to 860 BC: Ireland: Sirlam High King at this time. He was a son of Finn mac Blatha.
850 BC to 200 BC: Chavin de Huantar in Peru, South America is an archaeological complex of very high cultural level supposed to have been built by the Chavin culture.
~ About this time the Hebrew Profit, Micah lived.

825 BC:Phililestian power was broken by a concerted attack of Phoenicians and Hebrews. The tribe of Da had worked with and continued to co-operate with Phoenicians and a few Irishmen. Was King David around at this time.
~ The Fertile Crescent was not peaceful.
~ The Caucasia kingdom of van was extent,
~ Phoenicians contended with Greek in the west Med. Maybe Phoenician got more  Spanish gold than did Greek
 800 BC: A sort of industrial revolution began in Ireland and lasted for nearly 100 years. During those years the Irish people flourished and so did mining, metallurgy, and alchemy.   
~ Ireland was connected to the world and "Celts" continued to arrive.

~ Ireland: At this time there was also significant nordic influence on Irish metal work. Irish metal workers were quick to adapt to and improve on the works of others to the north, south, and east of the island. Also the the arrival of much Iron Age culture had also been been a disturbing influence on the people of the island.


1,200 BC to 1,000 BC

 1,200 BC to 1,000 BC

1,200 BC to 800 BC: Woodland Culture Period in North America.
~ to c. 1150 BC: Mark the late Bronze Age collapse in Europe and the Middle East. And, led to the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. The collapse included the Caucus, the Balkans, the Mycenaean Kingdoms, the eastern Mediterranean, the Kassites in Babylonia, of the Hittite Empire in Anatolia, Aegean region, and North Africa.
~ Sea-People: Repelled by the Egyptians; the settled on the southern costal plain of Canaan; some may have inhabited Cicely and probably Criti. The Sea People probably became the Philistines of the Old Testament.
~ Arameans settle in Aram.
~ Trojan War: About this time the Trojan War was being waged between Greek and Hittite. It included the Siege of Troy. Greeks won.
~ Priam: He spoke of his youth of this time, saying that on the side of the Phryzians against the Amazons (?) Phrygians?
~ Collapse of the Mediterranean Bronze Age.

1177 BC: Cultural collapse around the Mediterranean Sea. 

1,130 BC: Around this time Eochu was a high king in Ireland for perhaps a decade. He was a son of Finn.

1120 BC: China: There is evidence of a Chinese dictionary in circulation.
~ Eastern Mediterranean: An epidemic broke out and is said to have killed 50,000 persons. In the Bible it is called the Plague of the Philistines.

1115 BC to 1095 BC, Ireland: According to Keating and 1493 BC to 1473 the Annals of the Four Masters. Eochaid Faebar Glas was High King of Ireland. He was the son of Conmael it  is said and came to power after killing the "joint" High King, Cermana Finn, in battle at Dun Cermna (Down mac Patrick in Kinsale, County Cork),and Cermna's brother and colleague, Sobairce was killed by Eochaid Menn of the Fomorians.
Eochaid Faebar Glas was Preceded by Cermna Fin and Sobairce and succeeded by Fiacha Labrainne

1111 BC to 255 BC, China: The duration of the Chou dynasty, founded on feudalistic principals.
~ to 400 BC, Central America: Olmec in flourishing in the Gulf coast region. It centered at what is now San Lorenzo on a fertile plain overlooking the Chiquito River.
~ Asian Minor: Devastation throughout most of the area.
~ 800 BC: Arameans occupied Aram in northern Syrta and also seized a large track of Mesopotamia. They held Anatolia in northern Syria.

1100 BC, Honduras: Chocolate beer? Rosemary Joyce of the U of California at Berkeley, anthropology department reported that inhabitants of Puerto Escondido drank a fermented version of cacao about this date.
 1100 BC: "Chocolate beer." Rosemary Joyce of the U. of California at Berkeley anthropology department reported that inhabitants of Puerto Escondido, Honduras drank a fermented version of cacao at about this date.
1081 BC, Constantinople: Alexius, the first Komnenos, became emperor establishing the Komnenos dynasty. The next year, to gain support of the Venetian navy against the Normans in south Italy, he granted Venice legal, political, and economic concessions, eventually leading to to Venetian commercial and economic domination in much of the Byzantine Empire. 

1,000 BC: Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ The Rig Veda religious text was already compiled in India.                       
~ to 290 AD: Mayan high civilization of the late preClassical and middle preClassical periods existed.
~ Beginning of the Late Bronze Age in Europe.
~ to 200 BC: Adena native American culture extent in North America.
~ Phoenicians in Tyre were employing the full Phoenician alphabet.
~ to 290 AD: Mayan high civilization of the late preClassical and middle preClassical periods existed.
~ Estonia: Around this time single-farm-based settlements started!
1177 BC: Cultural collapse around the  Mediterranean.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

1,600 BC to 1,400 BC

1,600 BC to 1,400 BC: A history and prehistory time including: Ireland, black fleet, China, Greece, Miletus, Milesians, Babylon, Egypt, and more; and more added monthly.

1,600 BC to 1046 BC: China: Shang dynasty can be called a Bronze Age culture succeeding the Xia dynasty and followed by the Zhou dynasty. The Xia dynasty is called China's first Dynasty.
~ to 1,100 BC: Mycenaean Greece exent. 
~ The Anatolian island of Miletus was occupied be settlers from Crete. Crete was the seat of a high pre-Hellenic civilization. Miletus became a famous font of Hellenic philosophy.  The Milesians were the first historic settlers of Irish fame.
~ Ireland: By this time bronze has already been worked.
~ An ancient Anatolian people began an empire on Hattusa in north-central Anatolia. They came to the area in the Bronze Age before 2,000 BC. They may have come from Ukarania.
~ Irish society changed dramatically. There were climatic changes which brought damper m. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a  new Bronze Age.

1590 BC, Greece: Thera* (Santorini Caldera*) super volcano erupted in Santorini, Greece. It has been called the Minoan eruption of  1,641 plus or minus 12 years.
1590 BC, Greece: Thera* (Santorini Caldera*) super volcano erupted in Santorini, Greece. It has been called the Minoan eruption of  1,641 plus or minus 12 years.
 1590 BC, Greece: Thera* (Santorini Caldera*) super volcano erupted in Santorini, Greece. It has been called the Minoan eruption of  1,641 plus or minus 12 years.

1590 BC, Greece: Thera* (Santorini Caldera*) super volcano erupted in Santorini, Greece. It has been called the Minoan eruption of  1,641 plus or minus 12 years.

1,570 BC: Babylon became a city comparable to earlier cities of Ur.

1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

1550 BC: Opium used as medicine in Persia and Egypt.

1506 BC: Minos, in the Mediterranean, had light shafts, air shafts, and running water.

1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Their were climate changes. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.

~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda was king of the Danann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 

~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.

~ Ireland: There is evidence for advance metalworking by the Irish by this time.

~ Ireland: Improved items for warfare were being produced. Excellent spears are an example of that production. Advance casting was used,



1,570 BC

1,582 BC: Cecrops, king of Athens. Cecrops married Aglanrus the daughter of Actaeus former king of Attica. Cecrops preceded by Actaeus, succeeded by Cranus.

1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running wat
1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.
1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

 1,570 BC
1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.
~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 
~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.
1,500 BC to 1,100 BC: Mycenaean Greece was active.`
1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.
~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 
~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.

1450 BC: Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in the eastern Mediterranean which probably included tidal waves, earthquakes, crop failures and worse. These events ended the development of the great civilization on Crete.
~ The Minoan culture based on  crete flourished greatly. They had an extensive seagoing trade network. The city of Knossos had a peak population of about 100,000 persons.
~ to about 1000 BC, North America: Has been called the Archaic Period in NA. The Old Copper Complex of the Great Lakes is dated to this time.

1,574 BC: Deucalion the son of Prometheus ruled in Thessaly.

1,570 BC: Babylon became a city comparable to earlier cities of Ur.
~ to 1546 BC: Amosis expelled the Hyksos from Egypt.

1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

1,550 BC: Opium was used in Persia and Egypt. Mostly used as medicine.

1530 BC to 1500 BC: Ireland: Sobairce was a High King about this time. Eochaid Menn, a son of the Fomorians, killed Sobairce. Sobairce was a direct descendant of Mil Espaine and one of the first kings from Ulaid.
1530 BC to 1500 BC: Ireland: Sobairce was a High King about this time. Eochaid Menn, a son of the Fomorians, killed Sobairce. Sobairce was a direct descendant of Mil Espaine and one of the first kings from Ulaid.

1,506: Minos I has light and air shafts, and bathrooms with running water.

1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.
~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 
~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.
1,500 BC to 1,100 BC: Mycenaean Greece was active.`
1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.
~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 
~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.
1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.
~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 
~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.
~ Hittites conquer Mesopotamia.

1,500 BC: Ireland. Around this time, after Lug and before Delbaeth, there was a high king called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. It has been said that he was high king of the tuath de Danann after his predecessor, Nuada, was injured in a battle.
~ Ireland. The Fianna may date back to this time. 
~ Thailand: A very wide mental working culture was widespread and flourishing and included iron.  
~ Ireland: There were some Fomorians around the island around this time.
 1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.*

1490 BC to 1470 BC: Ireland: Eochaid Faebar Glas was High King at this time. (Munster?)


1450 BC, eastern Mediterranean: Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in eastern Mediterranean which probably included tidal waves, earthquakes, crop failures, and worse. These events caused the development of the the great civilization of Crete.


1,400 BC to 800 BC: During this period there was a movement southwest into the eastern Mediterranean. These were people of horse culture and they came bringing Iron Age technology. This migration may have contributed to the fall of great Bronze Age cultures  such as that of the Hittites and Mycenae. A kind Dark Age fell over much of Europe until the advent of preClassical Greece and Phoenicia. During this same 1,400 to 800 BC period a sort of Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe.                                             

~ Europe: A kind of Dark Age fell over Europe until the advent of pre-Classic Greece and the Phoenicians.

~ During these 600 years* a Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe.

~ to perhaps 700 BC, Ireland: An agricultural expansion existed on the Island.

1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.

~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High King of Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuada was injured in a battle. 

~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.



1,582 BC: Cecrops, king of Athens. Cecrops married Aglanrus the daughter of Actaeus former king of Attica. Cecrops preceded by Actaeus, succeeded by Cranus.

1,574 BC: Deucalion the son of Prometheus ruled in Thessaly.

1590 BC, Greece: Thera* (Santorini Caldera*) super volcano erupted in Santorini, Greece. It has been called the Minoan eruption of  1,641 plus or minus 12 years.

1,570 BC: Babylon became a city comparable to earlier cities of Ur.

~ to 1546 BC: Amosis expelled the Hyksos from Egypt.

1,560 BC, Crete: Minos I  had light and air shafts and bathrooms with running water.

1,550 BC: Opium was used in Persia and Egypt. Mostly used as medicine.

1530 BC to 1500 BC: Ireland: Sobairce was a High King about this time. Eochaid Menn, a son of the Fomorians, killed Sobairce. Sobairce was a direct descendant of Mil Espaine and one of the first kings from Ulaid.

1,506: Minos I has light and air shafts, and bathrooms with running water.

1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.

~ Ireland: After Lug and before Delbaeth there was a High Kingof Ireland called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. Some say that the Dagda has king of the Damann after his predecessor, Nuadawas njured in a battle. 

~ Ireland: The Fianna were probably around about this time.

1530 BC to 1500 BC: Ireland: Sobairce was a High King about this time. Eochaid Menn, a son of the Fomorians, killed Sobairce. Sobairce was a direct descendant of Mil Espaine and one of the first kings from Ulaid.

1,506: Minos I has light and air shafts, and bathrooms with running water.


1,500 BC: Ireland. Around this time, after Lug and before Delbaeth, there was a high king called the Dagda. He may have had Gaulish relatives. It has been said that he was high king of the tuath de Danann after his predecessor, Nuada, was injured in a battle.

~ Ireland. The Fianna may date back to this time. 

~ Thailand: A very wide mental working culture was widespread and flourishing and included iron.  

~ Ireland: There were some Fomorians around the island around this time.

 1500 BC, Ireland: Irish Society changed dramatically. Art developed greatly. Bronze metallurgy flourished in a renewed Bronze Age.*

1490 BC to 1470 BC: Ireland: Eochaid Faebar Glas was High King at this time. (Munster?)


1450 BC, eastern Mediterranean: Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in eastern Mediterranean which probably included tidal waves, earthquakes, crop failures, and worse. These events ended the development of the the great civilization of Crete.

1415 BC: Melampus introduced the Dionysian festivals honoring Dionysus. They were originated in Egypt and were four in number.


1,400 BC to 800 BC: During this period there was a movement southwest into the eastern Mediterranean. These were people of horse culture and they came bringing Iron Age technology. This migration may have contributed to the fall of great Bronze Age cultures  such as that of the Hittites and Mycenae. A kind Dark Age fell over much of Europe until the advent of preClassical Greece and Phoenicia. During this same 1,400 to 800 BC period a sort of Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe.                                             

~ Europe: A kind of Dark Age fell over Europe until the advent of pre-Classic Greece and the Phoenicians.

~ During these 600 years* a Gold and Bronze Age began in central and northern Europe.

~ to perhaps 700 BC, Ireland: An agricultural expansion existed on the Island.
